by Susan Berger
The man of the hour -an expert – we all call him Tony
He even gets Trump to stop saying “the virus is phony.”
But the messages are confusing as we see the President and the hands he shakes
No this is not the Onion, no- this is not fake
Accept that life is different at least for now, Fauci pleas
Stop interactions – this virus – you cannot flee
Each week will get worse, so we need to plan
No one is immune – no woman or man
So we head to the stores and plan our meals
And listen to the public squeal
At Sunset Foods a woman dressed to the nines
Berates the butcher, “What- no boneless breasts?” she whines
A cable repair man comes to my house, I greet him outside-
prepare to delouse!
Are you sneezing or coughing and he says no I am well
How about those you live with- they are fine too and I say swell
I spritz his hands with Purell as he walks in the door
Oh, and there is more
I hand him plastic gloves and he gladly puts them on his hands
As I lecture about the world putting their heads in the sand
My dogs are happy as we are home and they lay in their beds
The husband is happy – cause he is well-fed
The news is always on but that is not new
As a reporter, the updates I miss are few
A few days in - this is quite the ordeal
I want to bubble-wrap my family, not kidding, for real
A friend calls from Aspen –we are closed down- this cannot be!
Every mountain, we cannot ski!
I listen as she says every hotel is closed – even the Little Nell
She had heard they had people there that were unwell
The absurdity hits me, a joke I have to make
Oh my, I say “let them eat cake”
The truth is this is nothing to laugh about
Instead I just want to shout
Do not go out, listen to those who know
That is the way for coronavirus to slow
So settle in, binge a show read a book
Clean a closet, there’s lots to organize if you look
Face-time with loved ones or play words with friends
And hunker down for a bit – this too will end.